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Michelle Bolanger Posts


There is something powerful about starting my day reassured that God is with me, that He loves me despite my failures the day before, and I begin the day with a sense of accomplishment from having completed something before I leave the house.

Relieving Pressure

2019 already feels like my best year ever. Many of you are aware that earlier this month I started a new job. It has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love the work itself, I love the interaction I have with my customers, employees, and co-workers, and the location I’ve been assigned to is right back in my hometown. I feel like I’ve come home in so many ways.

New Year, Same Me

For nearly a year, I was in the routine of writing for an hour and a half each morning before I went to work. That routine was busted because I didn’t feel the urgency of that time. Meaning, I told myself I could do something else during that time because, “I have all day to write.”

But I didn’t. I didn’t write, because I didn’t intentionally set aside time to do so. This tells me a lot about the importance of a routine in my life.