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Tag: Love

Loving Others = Owning It

Loving others in the kind of sacrificial love Jesus is commanding in John 13 isn’t easy under good circumstances. When there are things going on behind the scenes on our own lives that drains the strength from us, it can feel impossible. It can feel as if you have nothing to give, yet more and more people are asking you to give your time, your ear, your advice, your patience, and on and on…

Turning The Page

A year ago, if someone had told us we would be penning this letter, I would have waved them off as crazy. Then God began to move in our lives in a way neither of us expected, and neither of us searched for. If He had told us that taking new jobs, or building our dream house would lead us to this moment, I have no doubt we would have rejected it all. We’ve done it before.

Called To Love

When I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, it wasn’t because someone told me that sleeping around, drinking, and having an abortion was wrong. In fact, the people who told me that are the ones who drove me away from church.

The message I received was, “Stop sinning and trust Jesus so He can love you.”